The playbill of Peking Opera Faust
Brief Introduction to the Play Faust
Faust, German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s magnum opus, is not only the greatest work of German literature but also a gem in world literature. The Peking opera Faust is adopted from Faust, Part One.
The Devil, an evil spirit that negates and destructs everything, laughs before God at the flaws of human beings and is confident that he can allure Faust away from righteous pursuits. God, believing that good people are always aware of right paths, permits a bet the Devil makes with him, and agrees on the test of Faust by the Devil. Faust, already in his fifties and already a peerless scholar of learning, is so frustrated at his failure to have fulfilled his worldly desires that he ponder suicide. The Devil comes to Faust’s study, invites him to re-experience his past life and promises to be at his service, on the condition that from the moment Faust has felt satisfied and come to his afterlife, he should serve the Devil too. Believing that nothing in the world would not satisfy him, Faust makes a pact with the Devil. Now turned into a young man by the Devil, Faust is madly in love with Gretchen, only to lead to her tragedy.
出品人:张凯华 Daniele Gualdi Producers: Zhang Kaihua Daniele Gualdi
总监制:于魁智 陈樱
Pietro Valenti Executive Producers:Yu Kuizhi Chen Ying Pietro Valenti
Stefania De Leo Production Managers: Wang Linna Stefania De Leo
编 剧:李美妮 Playwright: Li Meini
戏曲文学顾问:邹忆青 Opera Literature Consultant: Zou Yiqing
导演:Anna Peschke Director: Anna Peschke
京剧导演:徐孟珂 Director of Peking Opera: Xu Mengke
唱腔设计:陈晓满 Vocal Music Design: Chen Xiaoman
音乐作曲:Luigi Ceccarelli Alessandro Cipriani
陈晓满 Composition: Luigi Ceccarelli Alessandro Cipriani Chen Xiaoman
舞美设计:Anna Peschke
Stage Design: Anna Peschke
灯光设计:Tommaso Checcucci
Lighting Design: Tommaso Checcucci
服装设计:阿宽 Costume Design: A Kuan
容妆造型设计:艾淑云 李萌 Styling and Make-up: Ai Shuyun Li Meng
道具设计:李继勇 Props Design: Li Jiyong
舞蹈编导:周莉亚 韩真 Choreographers: Zhou Liya, Han Zhen
监 制:李海燕 江其虎 刘学玲
Production Supervisors: Li Haiyan Jiang Qihu Liu Xueling
舞美监制:于跃刚 李继勇 蒋连起
Stage Producers: Yu Yuegang Li Jiyong Jiang Lianqi
执行灯光:胡山峰 Lighting Execution: Hu Shanfeng
音 响:马川 陈丹丹 Sound Effect: Ma Chuan Chen Dandan
音响技术支持:秦 鹰 Technical support for audio system:Qin Ying
舞蹈编导:周莉亚 韩真 Choreography: Zhou Liya Han Zhen
制作助理:周文惠 Production Assistant: Zhou Wenhui
外事统筹:易玲 关晓蕙
Foreign Affairs Coordination: Yi Ling Guan Xiaohui
Cast and Crew
剧中人 扮演者
Character Performer
浮士德 刘大可
Faust Liu Dake
魔 非 王 璐
Mephistopheles Wang Lu
格雷卿 张佳春
Gretchen Zhang Jiachun
华伦廷 徐孟珂
Valentine Xu Mengke
Peking Opera Band
司鼓、铙钹 王 曦
Si Gu & Nao Bo: Wang Xi
操琴 王继辉
Jing Hu: Wang Jihui
月琴、笛子 鞠 萌
Yue Qin & Flute: Ju Meng
大锣、小锣 牛璐璐
Bass Gong & Small Gong: Niu Lulu
Western Band
电音吉他Vincenzo Core
Electronic Guitar: Vincenzo Core
打击乐Laura Mancini
Percussion: Laura Mancini
低音贝斯Giaccomo Piermatti
Double Bass: Giaccomo Piermatti:
舞台监督:杨 超
Stage Direction: Yang Chao
字 幕:霍荫生
Subtitle: Huo Yinsheng
舞 美:国家京剧院舞美中心
Choreography: Choreography Center of China National Peking Opera Company
Special Acknowledgement: Beijing Language and Culture University